Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day One

Just got back from the grocery store. I had $100 in cash, a list, four coupons and a calculator. I really only wanted to spend $80 but I took a little extra for my first foray out like this. I carefully looked at the price of everything and discovered a new brand called Valutime which is cheaper than the store brand. Woot. I bought whole onions and whole peppers even though I preferred the pre-chopped variety (that stuff is so expensive). Absolutely NO frozen dinners I will be making dinners big enough to eat leftovers throughout the week. Canned vegetables as opposed to those individualized frozen geniuses. Oh, did I forget to mention that I've been on some form of food diet for the past 16 years. Whatever I'm hoping the Money Diet might be able to help with that situation as well.

I write down the price of everything next to it on the list. Sure I feel a little awkward standing in the aisle punching numbers into the calculator but it's worth it. Calculator says: $107 (tax included). Oh no! I have to put something back. Okay the face wash can wait until next week, there's still some in the bottle and there's a small bottle in my travel bag too. I put that back. So I know I'll be under $100.

I watch the total with bated breath, 5 twenties in my hand. TOTAL: $79.50. What? Awesome. I'll have to get a better hand on my figuring but I feel great. I CAN do this. I WILL do this.

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